Saint Anthony of Padua Roman Catholic Parish, Preston

Presbytery, Cadley Causeway, Fulwood, Preston, Lancashire PR2 3RX
Tel: 01772 725 193


Parish Groups

Parish Leadership Group

St Anthony's Data Privacy Notice

Parish Questionnaire 2019
and Open Forum Summary


St Vincent de Paul Society

Contact/Find Us

Parish Groups

The parish has many groups covering a wide range of ages and purposes. Details of who to contact are in a Parish Directory leaflet available at the back of church, or by contacting us

Child Protection

We take the protection of our children very seriously indeed.  Any concerns should be raised with the parish's child protection points-of-contact, details on the notice board in the porch.  

Young people

Rainbows, Brownies and Guides

Beavers, Cubs and Scouts


Altar Servers

An Altar Server is a person of any age who assists the priest at the altar of the Lord, primarily during the Sacrifice of the Mass, so that worship is performed in a reverent, efficient and beautiful manner.

They normally serve each weekend at one of the Sunday Masses and at other times of special occasion throughout the year, Christmas and Easter being of note.

It is a great privilege to be an altar server at Mass.

Following First Holy Communion young people are encouraged to consider becoming altar servers.

We are always in need of more altar servers, if you would like to become an altar server or wish to know more about the role please speak to Fr Peter, contact Ian Mulholland, Master of Ceremonies, at Church before or after the 9:30 Sunday morning mass or Tel: 01772 252 633.

Church and liturgy

Church flowers and cleaning


Liturgy and music

Children's liturgy


Aid and Caring

CAFOD/Fair Trade

Saint Vincent de Paul Society - Please see the Saint Vincent de Paul Society page of the website

Family and Social

Children's Breakfast Club/After School Club

Play Group and Pre-school Group, Tel: 01772 490 295

Pram Club

FOSTA - Friends of St. Anthony's primary school

St. Anthony's Social Centre, Tel: 01772 735 963

St. Anthony's Singers

All our Parish activities and organisations need your prayers and your talents.  Please join in and help to build the life of the Parish - you'll be very welcome.

If you would like to start an activity, please contact a member of the Parish Leadership Group.

Lancaster Roman Catholic Diocesan Trust, charity number 234331 Lancaster Roman Catholic Diocese