The parish has many groups covering a wide range of ages and purposes. Details of who to contact are in a Parish Directory leaflet available at the back of church, or by contacting us
Keeping safe the vulnerable members of society is central to everything we do. For more information, see our safeguarding page.
Parish Leadership Group
The Parish Leadership Group discuss matters which arise within the church and meet once every term (approx every 3-4 months)
Young people
- Rainbows, Brownies and Guides
- Beavers, Cubs and Scouts
- Explorers
Altar Servers
An Altar Server is a person of any age who assists the priest at the altar of the Lord, primarily during the Sacrifice of the Mass, so that worship is performed in a reverent, efficient and beautiful manner.
They normally serve each weekend at one of the Sunday Masses and at other times of special occasion throughout the year, Christmas and Easter being of note.
It is a great privilege to be an altar server at Mass.
Following First Holy Communion young people are encouraged to consider becoming altar servers.
We are always in need of more altar servers, if you would like to become an altar server or wish to know more about the role please speak to Fr Peter, contact Ian Mulholland, Master of Ceremonies, at Church before or after the 9:30 Sunday morning mass or Tel: 01772 252 633.
Church and liturgy
- Church flowers and cleaning
- Sacristans
- Liturgy and music
- Children’s liturgy
- Repository/Shop
- Aid and Caring
- CAFOD/Fair Trade
Saint Vincent de Paul Society
The Saint Vincent De Paul Society is a lay organisation that was established in 1833 by a young Frenchman, Frederic Ozanam, to look after the poor, the lonely and the destitute in his native Paris. Since then SVP branches, or “Conferences” as they are called, are to be found throughout the world carrying on this work by serving vulnerable members within their communities.
In St Anthony’s Parish the main work of the SVP is befriending the housebound and the lonely by visiting them in their homes, care homes or in hospital. Twice a year we arrange a healing Mass and party (Easter and Christmas).
Although are funds are limited, we also attempt to provide material help to members of our community whenever and wherever it is needed. Material help could be in the form of furniture, clothing and bedding, food etc.
Do you know someone who is housebound and would like one of our members to visit them?
Could you help in our service by sparing one hour a week to visit someone? Or would you like to know more about the work of the SVP?
If so please contact Fr Peter and we will arrange for a member of our Conference to contact you.
More details can also be found on the SVP website
Family and Social
- Children’s Breakfast Club/After School Club
- Play Group and Pre-school Group, Tel: 01772 490 295
- Pram Club
- FOSTA – Friends of St. Anthony’s primary school
- St. Anthony’s Social Centre, Tel: 01772 735 963
- St. Anthony’s Singers
All our Parish activities and organisations need your prayers and your talents. Please join in and help to build the life of the Parish – you’ll be very welcome.
If you would like to start an activity, please contact a member of the Parish Leadership Group.